National 5 Maths
Simultaneous Equations

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Course content

  • Constructing a pair of simultaneous equations to model a situation
  • Graphical solution of a pair of simultaneous equations
  • Algebraic solution of a pair of simultaneous equations ("substitution" and "elimination" methods).

Textbook page references

Key ideas

  • A pair of simultaneous equations is formed when we have two unknowns such as \(x\) and \(y\).
  • At Nat 5, we only have to solve a system of two "linear" equations.
  • The solution is the point \((x,y)\) of intersection of the two straight lines.

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Example 1 (non-calculator)

Solve, algebraically, the system of simultaneous equations:

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&2x &+& 3y &=& 4\\[3pt] &&3x &-& y &=& 17 \end{eqnarray} $$

Example 2 (non-calculator)

Find, algebraically, the point of intersection of these two straight lines:

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&3x &-& 4y &=& 1\\[6pt] &&5x &-& 3y &=& 9 \end{eqnarray} $$

Example 3 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2015 P1 Q11

Solve algebraically the system of equations

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&3x &+& 2y &=& 17\\[3pt] &&2x &+& 5y &=& 4 \end{eqnarray} $$

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Example 4 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2018 P1 Q3

Solve, algebraically, the system of equations

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&4x &+& 5y &=& -\!3\\[3pt] &&6x &-& 2y &=& 5 \end{eqnarray} $$

Example 5 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2021 P1 Q7

Solve, algebraically, the system of equations

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&5c &+& 2d &=& \ 4\\[3pt] &&4c &-& 3d &=& 17 \end{eqnarray} $$

Example 6 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2023 P1 Q3

Solve, algebraically, the system of equations

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&2x &+& 3y &=& \ 8\\[3pt] &&5x &+& 2y &=& -\!2 \end{eqnarray} $$

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Example 7 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2024 P1 Q7

Solve, algebraically, the system of equations

$$ \begin{eqnarray} &&2p &-& 7r &=& 11\\[6pt] &&3p &+& 2r &=& 4 \end{eqnarray} $$

Example 8 (calculator)

Two families buy cinema tickets. Mr Taylor buys 2 adult and 2 child tickets for £23.50. Ms Clyde buys 1 adult and 3 child tickets for £20.25. Write down two equations to represent this information and solve them to find the price of one adult ticket and the price of one child ticket.

Example 9 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2016 P1 Q4

Charlie is making costumes for a school show. One day he made 2 cloaks and 3 dresses. The total amount of material he used was 9.6 square metres.
(a)  Write down an equation to illustrate this information.
(b)  The following day Charlie made 3 cloaks and 4 dresses. The total amount of material he used was 13.3 square metres. Write down an equation to illustrate this information.
(c)  Calculate the amount of material required to make one cloak and the amount of material required to make one dress.

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Example 10 (non-calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2019 P1 Q8

John bought 7 bags of cement and 3 bags of gravel. The total weight of these bags was 215 kilograms.
(a)  Write down an equation to illustrate this information.
Shona bought 5 bags of cement and 4 bags of gravel. The total weight of her bags was 200 kilograms.
(b)  Write down an equation to illustrate this information.
(c)  Calculate the weight of one bag of cement and the weight of one bag of gravel.

Example 11 (calculator)

SQA National 5 Maths 2022 P2 Q4

Moira buys 4 mangoes and 3 apples at a fruit shop. The total cost is £4.25.
(a)  Write down an equation to illustrate this information.
Sami buys 5 mangoes and 2 apples in the same fruit shop. The total cost is £4.70.
(b)  Write down an equation to illustrate this information.
(c)  Calculate, algebraically, the cost of a mango and the cost of an apple.

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Simultaneous equations sheet
Answer sheet
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Past paper questions

All past paper questions by topic
Questions with the equations given:
2015 Paper 1 Q11
2017 Paper 1 Q13
2018 Paper 1 Q3
2021 Paper 1 Q7
2023 Paper 1 Q3
2024 Paper 1 Q7
Constructing and solving:
2013 Specimen Paper 1 Q10
2014 Paper 2 Q3
2016 Paper 1 Q4
2019 Paper 1 Q8
2022 Paper 2 Q4

Other great resources

Videos -
Videos - Larbert High School
1. Solving graphically
2. Solving by substitution
3. Solving by elimination
3. Constructing and solving
Videos - Mr Graham Maths
1. Solving graphically
2. Solving by substitution
3. Solving by elimination
Video - YouKenMaths
PowerPoint -
Revision notes - BBC Bitesize
Test yourself - BBC Bitesize
Notes - Maths4Scotland
1. Graphical solution
2. Algebraic solution
Notes -
Lesson notes - Maths 777
1. No multiplication required
2. Multiply one equation
3. Multiply both equations
4. Real-life simultaneous equations
5. Intersections of straight lines
Worked examples - Maths Mutt
Practice questions - Maths Hunter
Worksheet - Inverclyde Academy
Exercises - Larkhall Academy
Pages 15-22 Ex 1-3

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